Monday, November 20, 2023

Sticky Toffee Pudding, Part I: Delicious, but messy, history - served with cream and controversy!

Sticky toffee pudding, our first in Edinburgh, served with cream and controversy.

Sticky toffee pudding comes served with cream and controversy!

Our first introduction to sticky toffee pudding came last month while we were visiting northern England, and Scotland. Along with husband, Chris, and travel companions, (our favorite NY couple), Matt and Jenna, we were in for a foodies' fest, sampling local cuisine along the way and always saving room for dessert.  

Enter: sticky toffee pudding. We found it on almost every menu during our stay, and, after our first taste, we were smitten. Our own version of "Field of Dreams": Bake it and we will come. . .

Second night in Edinburgh, more toffee treats!

At Jenna's suggestion to try the scrumptious sweet, we embarked on a sampling throughout our gourmet getaway.  Once home, I wanted to not only learn more about this dessert but create some in my own kitchen.  An article from BBC Travel, "The contentious origins of England's famous pudding" helped me with the former, and The Royal Chef assisted me with the latter.

First, the history:  controversy, surprises and missed opportunities

Specifics on where and when sticky toffee pudding started are a bit murky, but most agree, it is a more modern creation dating back only some fifty years ago (which dashed my images of it being around when "figgy pudding" was being requested in song) and in part, at least, in England.  And, while there are a number of inns throughout Britain that promote themselves as the home of sticky toffee pudding, there's another country that asserts its claim to the recipe as well:  our northern neighbor, Canada.

While the Canada/England toffee debate is, well, sticky, there are some who believe it was a collaboration between citizens of both countries. There are tales that connect English innkeepers with members of the Canadian Airforce, united in service as well as blending baked pudding with maple syrup.

Enjoying sticky toffee pudding in Scotland, having just left Cartmel

Wherever it began, there's one place that boasts, while it may not have invented sticky toffee pudding, it has "championed it, embraced it and pushed it forward more than anyone else". That bold statement comes from the owner of Cartmel Sticky Toffee Pudding, in Cartmel, England. They've been baking up the confection since 1984, selling over ten million "puds". Credit for their sweet success is given to high quality ingredients, most sourced locally.

And, that very locale, my friends, is the source of my grand missed opportunity. 

Long before I knew what sticky pudding was, our travel group of four had booked an evening's dinner in Cartmel, at the Michelin 3-star restaurant, L'Enclume (And, just last week, it was named a number one restaurant in the world by La Liste, as noted in Forbes, November, 2023 - sharing it with only six other venues globally).

Dining at L'Enclume in Cartmel
A Michelin 3-star restaurant and top in the world

For convenience and comfort, we stayed overnight in a charming hotel, a two minute walk from L'Enclume, and right in the heart of Cartmel. I had NO idea, it was also the home to Cartmel Sticky Toffee Pudding company, the head cheerleader and tour de force behind this grand dessert!  We didn't start our toffee tasting until we arrived in Edinburgh the next evening, not realizing, we had bypassed another great culinary delight in Cartmel.

Our Cartmel inn, so close to fancy dining AND toffee pudding.

But, no sad endings here. The sticky toffee puddings we had at two restaurants in Edinburgh were amazing. Warm, syrupy and topped with cream - a new passion had emerged.

Scotland hotel lounge - could there be. . .

sticky toffee pudding on lounge menu!

Suddenly, I was seeing sticky toffee pudding everywhere, including the lounge menu in our chain hotel in St. Andrews.  Something so wonderful just couldn't end once back from our trip across the pond. So, I took to creating some of my own. 

The results were as checkered and messy as the pudding's history, but also, just as incredibly sweet and delicious. For the Sticky Toffee Pudding preparation in the BTS test kitchen, stay tuned to Sticky Toffee Pudding, Part II.

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Clay Dobrovolec said...

Fascinating history! Love this dessert. So, is "Sticking" Toffee a hint to results of your culinary efforts?!

Barb's Tea Shop said...

Thanks, Clay! and, lol re:"sticking" - it was unintentional, although, if I "stuck" with it, it would definitely describe my culinary efforts. ;)