Sunday, May 21, 2023

Barb's Tea Service is on YouTube!

Barb's Tea Service is on YouTube, Stop by for a visit and suscribe!


Barb's Tea Service is on YouTube!

In the past few years (2020 to present day), we've created almost twenty short videos, ranging from two to four-plus minutes with varying content, quality, and editing skills along with a few assorted bad hair days. But while we're honing our production skills (and paying a bit more attention to the coiffure before the "camera rolls"), we submit for your approval, videos on mostly tea-related topics.  

One of our earlier videos: Vienna's Sacher torte

With a quick overview of the videos currently uploaded to our BTS YouTube page, we can lump several together under topics we love to talk about.  In the tasty treats themes, we have four devoted to chocolate, two on spices (pumpkin spice also includes glass pumpkins), two on lemon curd and one on cupcakes. We celebrate some of the big holidays: St. Patricks' Day, Gingerbread Day and National Hot Tea Day. For geographical interest, so far, we've covered New York and Canada. In the lifestyle category, we have videos that address salt cellars, knife rests, the (only) book on knife rests, grandmillenial style and the ultimate trend guide: "What's In/What's Out" for the new year. 

Two items from "Wednesday, What is It?" salt cellar and knife rest

And, of course, we chat about tablescapes - another BTS favorite.

Most of the videos are highlights and/or lead into of one of our blogs which expands on the topic be it detailed recipes or historical context. The reels are bite-sized content of bigger stories. And, we're working on making more and making them more watchable with slick editing and superior production quality.  

Although these are not quite the next "Citizen Kane" or "Casablanca", we'll borrow a most famous line from the latter:  "here's looking at you, vid . . . (eo)"  

As we continue this journey, please visit us on YouTube and become a subscriber! Here's the link:

Barb's Tea Service - YouTube

BTS on YouTube, Here's looking at you, vid!

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