Saturday, February 22, 2025

Chocolate and Tea Pairing at Chesterfield Township Library: A great way to spend a winter evening!

Librarian, Kalya B., with Barb G.& Pam B., BTS Chocolate and Tea at Chesterfield Twp. Library

What better way to spend a chilly February evening in Michigan than drinking hot tea paired with "top shelf" chocolate in a cozy library? 

Although a somewhat rhetorical question, we're comfortable with our answer:  if not the best, it ranks pretty high up. 

And, Barb's Tea Service, along with a room full of guests, did just that this week at Chesterfield Township Public Library. At the invitation of librarian, Kayla Barnish, BTS presented our "Chocolate and Tea Pairing" program. 

Due to the library's event space, seating was limited to twenty, but, despite the cold temps, all twenty attended!

Guests arriving and getting seated on a rather chilly February evening.

Our second time at the Chesterfield Library, Pam B. and I were excited to return to this special space, this time pairing up four different chocolates with four different teas.  A delightful bonus for those who call the mitten state home, all the chocolates came from premier Michigan chocolatiers.  In addition, all but one of the teas were local, too, including a BTS herbal.

Table set up includes, tasting guide, pen and note pad, teacups and chocolate.

Every guest received a chocolate tasting chart, tea and chocolate pairing guide, a plate of chocolate bites, a teacup and a BTS pen for taking notes. Also, as a Valentine's Day favor from BTS, everyone received a decorative paper cup with two additional chocolates to take home.

Guests preparing for chocolate /tea pairing.

Steeping first tea before everyone is seated.

As guests sipped and sampled, we presented a history of tea and chocolate's journey around the world and the privileged folks who had early access. Fortunately, one no longer needs to live in a palace to enjoy the pleasures of a hot cup of tea paired with chocolate. But, we'll assert, it's great fun, and a privilege, to share such pairings in a very cozy library on a cold winter evening in Michigan.

Thanks to the Chesterfield Township Public Library & all the great guests who came to join us!

Let us present a tea and chocolate pairing for you! For more information on this deliciously fun event, contact us at

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