Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Glass Up Your Garden: Teapots and ceramic flowers are perfect additions for the tea garden!

Kathy Peirce and her "Glass Up Your Garden" booth at Lexington Art Fair

Afternoon tea in the garden is a lovely way to relax, enjoy a favorite blend and take in nature's colorful show. But even the flora of the great outdoors can support a little whimsy and when it's time to class up your garden, we know where to go:  "Glass Up Your Garden".

Kathy Peirce is the creative mind behind the glass flowers and teapots on poles that add fun, color and a bit of magic to any garden area. Gifted one of her teapots a few years ago from good friends (which resides front and center in our northern Michigan tea garden), we were instant fans. Last month, we encountered what we refer to as a bit of "serendipi-tea" when we stopped in Lexington for quick visit. We had the unexpected pleasure of not only arriving when the town had their annual Art Fair going, but Kathy Peirce of Glass Up Your Garden was there, too!

Our new pink flower's home in our Pemberly Pines tea garden. (See teapot to the left).

This time we got to meet the artist in person and found her as lovely as the flowers and teapots she puts together.

My husband, Chris, and I, had a daunting task at the Glass Up Your Garden booth. There are so many beautiful and unique pieces, it was hard to choose what ornament was next to be part of our tea garden. We finally selected a large pink flower, a bold and colorful masterpiece, that will hold its own among the scattered pine and oak trees the border our secluded northern oasis. (It is, quite literally, no "shrinking violet").

A bit of "serendipi-tea" found us in Lexington during their Art Fair, where Kathy P. set up shop.

After our purchase found its new home in our Pemberly Pines Garden, we followed up with Kathy to both show her where our pink flower now resides and ask a few questions about her business. She graciously agreed to share some of her story:

A few words with Kathy Peirce of Glass Up Your Garden:

  • (BTS) When did you start your business and what got you interested in creating flowers and teapot ornaments for the garden?

KathyI started making these pieces about 13 years ago.  My sister-in-law made me a flower and I loved it!  She taught me how to do it and I was hooked!
  •   (BTS) You do art fairs throughout the summer.  Where can folks find your products outside of fairs? Any on-line store?
Kathy:  Art fairs during the summer are my main avenue for sales.  My Facebook page - Glass Up Your Garden - has photo albums of all of my available pieces.  Customers that live in the area are welcome to pick up from my home in Clinton Twp.  I rarely ship as it is expensive.


  • (BTS) With all your lovely teapots, are you a tea enthusiast as well? If so, what's your favorite tea and/or favorite place to have tea?
Kathy:  I'm more of a coffee drinker but appreciate the variety of teapots I find!

And, though, we primarily drink tea in our garden, we're not opposed to a little java accompaniment from time to time. 😊

For more information, see Glass Up Your Garden's Facebook page. 

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