Saturday, March 30, 2024

Two Peas in a Podcast: Barb's Tea Service launches new podcast (with special guest!)

Learning the recording ropes. Barb and Chris Gulley, two peas in a podcast.

Barb's Tea Service is excited to share we've entered into the world of podcasts. Starting this week, we launched our very first recording of "Barb's Tea Service presents:  But First Tea. . . " courtesy ONTV studios in Lake Orion.

In our inaugural podcast - a full twenty minutes (!) - we introduced Barb's Tea Service, covering who we are, what we do, and our favorite themes/obsessions (Gilded Age, Downtown Abbey, Jane Austen, lemon curd, knife rests. . . ). In addition, we did a high level Tea 101 discussing the different types of tea, which lead to more conversation on what one can add to tea. 

Recording our the first BTS podcast this week.

Our very special guest was Chris Gulley, tech support and self-labeled "arm candy".  While manning the sound board, Chris also shared some tea and tea-adjacent stories, including our last tea outing in NYC at Lady Mendl's as well as "spilling the tea" on our Bridgerton tour in Bath, England last Fall. Chris outed the winner of the Bridgerton Trivia contest given by our tour guide.  For the full story, you'll have to listen to the podcast. But here's a preview from our YouTube channel:

Sneak Peak of Barb's Tea Service's first podcast! (

Chris, tech support and "arm candy"

While we had a great time, we also know, our first entree into this podcast world came with a few bumps and missed signals. As Chris noted, it's a learning curve, and we're sure we'll smooth out the rough edges soon. We adhere to the advice of 1980's singer/songwriter, Howard Jones:  things can only get better!

We'll upload the link to the podcast as soon as ONTV posts it on-line. In the meantime, we're back in the studio next week for the second in our series, "But First Tea. . ."  We hope you'll give us a listen!

Waiting for the tea kettle to signal, that's a wrap!

We're also looking for topics you'd be interested in hearing more about as well as other guests you'd like us to host. Let us know at 


PamB said...

Enjoyed the inaugural episode over a cup of summer Darjeeling .. Looking forward to episode two!

Barb's Tea Shop said...

Thank you! More to come, thanks for "staying tuned". :)