Sunday, August 1, 2021

Adagio's Bella Luna blue tea comes once in a blue moon. Order yours this month!

Adagio's Bella Luna blue herbal tea celebrates the seasonal blue moon this month.


Something rare comes "once in a blue moon" and Adagio's Bella Luna blue tea is no exception to the well-known idiom. 

The herbal tea from Adagio, which contains lemongrass, butterfly pea flowers and other natural flavors, is only sold on days of a blue moon, the next one coming August 22nd of this year.

So, what exactly is a blue moon? According to, blue moon has two definitions. The first refers to the third of four full moons in an astrological season (solstice to equinox) and is termed a "seasonal blue moon".  The second, and more common meaning of the term, is called a "monthly blue moon" and this happens when there are two full moons in a calendar month. 

Bella Luna blue is an herbal blend, refreshing and no caffeine

While there are a few accounts of where the term "blue moon" came from, one thing is for sure - it isn't blue. But, that doesn't mean it shouldn't be celebrated with color. Enter Adagio's Bella Luna blue tea to make a rare occasion even more special!

Bella Luna blue lives up to its name, turning a rich color after steeping for several minutes

Bella Luna blue delivers not only intense color, but delicious flavor as well. A wonderfully refreshing tea, it's delightful as a summer sip (for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, that is).

Add lemon for more color

Adagio recommends steeping the loose tea leaves for ten minutes and that's exactly what we did with great results. The dry tea ingredients work their magic in the hot water immersion, quickly turning into a rich indigo color. The package also suggests adding a few drops of lemon juice for more surprises. (*spoiler alert* it turns a lovely shade of violet.)

This is a fun and tasty hot tea drink perfect for star parties, light afternoon teas and, with the quick color change display and no caffeine, a delight for children's' teas, too!

Don't hesitate to order Bella Luna blue. Remember, the chance to buy it comes only once in a blue moon!

For more information, go to 

Product review disclaimer:  I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free or discounted price. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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