Saturday, April 17, 2021

Get your Masters tea-gree from Adagio: Specialty, limited edition teas with a story

Premium teas from the Masters series from Adagio

Masters is a series of  specialty teas from Adagio teas.  As noted in previous blogs, this collection not only features fresh loose teas to savor, but also, through Adagio's Masters website, an opportunity to learn more about the region in which they are grown and meet some of the tea harvesters.

For the past three years, I've had the opportunity to sample the early release of some of these wonderful teas and last month, I received two delightful selections from the Rohini tea estate located in the Darjeeling region of India:  Rohini first oolong and Rohini gold wire.

Two selections from the Rohini tea estate in the Darjeeling region of India

These teas come from the same tea estate, but that's not all they have in common. Both are light, smooth and brew up a beautiful amber liquor in your teapot. They also are harvested by Debbi Chittri who shares a bit of her story on the  Rohini teas' pages.

Brewing up Rohini first oolong, mild but not timid.

The Rohini first oolong is sweet with a touch of  delicate fruity notes. It offers up a mild, but not timid, taste. 

Both Rohini teas brew up a beautiful amber liquor

The Rohini Gold Wire has a faint earthy but refreshing taste with subtle honey notes.

Rohini gold wire has subtle honey notes

I enjoyed both of these Rohini teas and sampling such high grade teas reminds me of all the amazing offerings that come from the camellia sinensis plant. It gets me out of my black tea rut go-to's like English breakfast  and Earl Grey (not that there's anything wrong with that!)

It also inspires me to continue my tea education and work towards my Master's tea-gree, courtesy Adagio. 

Product review disclaimer:  I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free or discounted price. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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