Friday, March 5, 2021

Virtual tea times still going strong! Warning: duration of afternoon tea talk may exceed time on invite!

Virtual afternoon tea - a most civilized way to get together for an hour . . . or more!

Last weekend, BTS (Barb Gulley and Rachel Gulley Brown)  hosted a family virtual afternoon tea.  The invite list included two aunts, one cousin and one future sister-in-law (or, from the elder Gulley's  perspective, two sister-in-laws, one niece, and one future daughter-in-law) with a geographic spread ranging from the Oakland county suburbs to Cincinnati, Ohio.

Local afternoon tea guests were treated to delicious blueberry scones, baked and delivered by Rachel

The time was set for Sunday from 1:00 - 2:00 pm and all but our Cincinnati relation received a special delivery the day before. Rachel baked blueberry scones from scratch (gluten free and "regular") on Saturday, wrapped them up in a clear cellophane package cinched with a  silver twist tie and personally door-dashed them to local guests.

Come-as-you-are attire means hat and bling for some

It was "come-as-you-are", which, at BTS, means fascinator and bling!  

Virtual afternoon tea with the family. Cousin/bridesmaid Marti, shows off her fancy tea cup

We all logged on to our on-line  link and commenced with tea and talk. Over blueberry scones, we shared what tea we were drinking and in what cup. Honors go to Marti E., who brought the tea cup she was gifted as part of a bridesmaid invite package from Rachel last year (she's not only a cousin, but a bridesmaid, too!).

Sandy & Marti's pretty afternoon tea tablescape - all the essentials:  tea, scones, savories & tiered tray

Conversations covered current events and recent reads, the latter including text books, children's classics and "Mrs. Everything", the latter a choice for a future tea time book club.

Although the invite designated time period was one hour, it, without hesitation, went well beyond. Afternoon tea time cannot be constrained!!

So much enjoyed by guests, another virtual afternoon tea time was scheduled for this month (and tea time book club coming soon!).

We love keeping up this new tradition. Certainly more to come and we'll be ready with tea, scones, and tablesscapes. But be warned:  time on invite is merely a "suggestion". 

BTS' tablescape for one included festive spring flower placeholder (no confusion as to where I sat!)

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