Saturday, June 22, 2019

Gardening by the book and open for business!! Enhanced Pemberly Pines tea oasis courtesy 'Growing Your Own Tea Garden'

In the Pemberly Pines Tea Garden is now open with new planters and new plants

Pemberly Pines tea garden was set in motion this year with a little help from my husband's new planters and "Growing Your Own Tea Garden", a recently published book from author, Jodi Helmer.

We've been cultivating a tea garden at our northern Michigan retreat, Pemberly Pines, since 2010. Due to the sandy soil and very chilly winter temperatures, growing season is short and a little challenging. 

Chris and Bryan set up the new planters.

This year, Chris took his handyman skills to task and built a series of raised flower beds, so we have more areas to enhance the soil. We assembled them last weekend and began the planting!

I usually grow annuals - bright colored geraniums, marigolds and/or impatiens - along with a few hearty herbs that occasionally return the following spring (mint/spearmint/lemon balm).  But, this year, I went out of my comfort-growing zone and, taking a cue from "Growing Your Own Tea Garden", I planted lavender as part of my "relaxing" garden, thyme for my "tummy troubles" garden and, for something completely different, strawberries to make hot or iced tea (recipes provided in Jodi Helmer's book).

Pemberly Pines is a favorite spot to relax and unwind with friends and family

We've been entertaining family and friends in our tea garden since we first put it together.  Over the years, we've  added more flower beds, a deck, planters, bistro seating and a sundial. It's a favorite spot for us to relax, sip tea and bring a little civility to the woods. Although on the latter, we don't always succeed.  

We don't always achieve total civility. . . 

Pemberly Pines tea garden is officially open for 2019. Let us know when you're heading up north and we'll put the kettle on!

For more information on Jodi Helmer, check out her website, and see, also, our recent blog featuring this amazing author, Tuesday Tea and Tomes: Growing Your Own Tea Garden.

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