Imagine a
Camillia sinensis plant growing in Michigan!
Light of Day Tea has made it happen - and this company truly works its magic in many other ways to delight tea drinkers everywhere.
On November 22, BTS participated in Light of Day's Tea Tasting at the Dennos Museum in Traverse City. On a beautiful sunny day on the bay, we sampled 16 different teas in rapid succession as Angela Macke, owner and educator extraordinaire, guided us through a variety of blacks, greens, oolongs, whites and tisanes. Many of the ingredients come from LOD's farm, on the outer limits of the Cherry Capital.
As we slurped (yes, slurping's encouraged, it actually improves your tasting sensibilities) our delicious hot liquids, Angela provided narrative on how best to brew each tea and what occasions they might be optimally utilized. Joined by Bob's - self-professed "Matcha-Matcha Man" - entertaining commentary, Angela kept us on track serving tea after delicious tea.
In our last blog entry featuring
LOD, we noted that Angela procures Fair Trade tea only. Ingredients from her farm are organic, packaging is made in the USA and labels created locally. With all this combined, you can taste the quality and care that goes into these products. We're feeling the "love" that
LOD puts in every container.
At the most recent tea tasting that BTS held for a private home in Birmingham, Creamy Earl Grey was an instant success as it is in my home. But, now I have some new favorites. Coffee Convert is a treat for those of us who sway to the "dark side" now and then, but, now we can leave the bitterness of the java behind. For those who love mint - and I do - the Mitten-time Mint is another delight. And, LOD's Green teas are not laden with that heavy grassy taste - all smooth, mild and ever so satisfying.
With so many to choose from, it will be difficult to decide which teas to put in my Christmas stocking this year. With teas like "Bun in the Oven" and "In the Mood?" you will surely find just the right blend for the tea enthusiasts on your holiday list.
Barb's TEA Shop gives another two "green thumbs" up to Light of Day Organics Tea Company.
Yours in tea and friendship,
ps - don't forget, BTS can bring a tea tasting to your home, office, church, library, museum or other fun venues. Email us at Barb@barbsteashop.com or call us at 248-840-4356 and schedule yours today!