When one receives a referral from a guest at a previous event, it's always a pleasure and a compliment. Imagine how even more special it is when that particular guest is only six years old!
Megan of Brownie Troop 3250, had attended Barb's TEA Shop's "Teddy Bear Tea and Etiquette Class" in the Fall of 2006 through Rochester, Michigan's after-school enrichment program. She was an enthusiastic participant even in Kindergarden, so BTS felt quite honored when Megan's mom called to schedule a Table Manners Class for their Brownie Troop, on Megan's recommendation.
Last month, BTS held that manners class for fifteen Brownies in the classroom-turned-restaurant in Rochester Hills. The Brownies learned not only by demonstration, but by actually performing the tasks themselves. This Brownie troop mastered proper place settings, the correct way to cut meat (with fun melon slices!) and what to do with the roll on one's bread plate. The young ladies practiced placing their flatware on their plate in the correct place to signify when they were done and what to do with their napkin should they need to leave the table for any reason.
This was an interactive class where the girls brought their own experiences and questions into the discussion. They were eager to test their table skills with their "kool-aid tea" and modified 3-course meal. At the end of the mock restaurant experience the girls were rewarded with cookies, a diploma and a teddy bear calendar.
BTS received a note in the mail last week from this very special Brownie troop. They put their training to use at a fancy restaurant in town and we're pleased to report, they excelled in their manners and earned their etiquette badge to boot! What a wonderful accomplishment for an amazing group of young ladies.
Congratulations to Brownie Troop 3250 and thanks for inviting BTS to be part of the fun!
Barb's TEA Shop offers a variety of tea and table manners classes for children. For more information on a customized program for your group, contact BTS at barb@barbsteashop.com or call us at 248-840-4356.

Megan at the Teddy Bear Tea.