Just in time for the holidays, Elmwood Inn teas and books have arrived at Barb's TEA Shop! Start (or complete!) all your shopping with BTS' great selection of fine tea gifts.
We now carry Elmwood Inn fine teas (loose and bags). How about the delightful "Christmas in a Cup" tea, warm and inviting with a touch of cinnamon to "spice" up your holidays! Nicely packaged in a red label, why not pair up with Serenity Green tea, to add a bit of traditional color to your table! We also have a full-line of beautifully photographed books by Bruce and Shelley Richardson (see "Celebri-Teas blog entry below). The pages are filled with original and tasty recipes from their years of running their successful tea room at the Inn. The Elmwood Inn book series are autographed by the Richardson's. Buy one or all three. What a special gift that would make!
For those who love to travel, consider one of Bruce Richardson's "Great Tea Rooms" books. We have "The Great Tea Rooms of America" and "The Great Tea Rooms of Britain". We also have the "Tea in the City" series which feature London, Paris and New York. The tea-lover on your list will enjoy charting their next tea excursion with these fun guides!
In addition, BTS also offers several British Imports teas and is the exclusive carrier in the local area for "Civiltea" - a delightful black tea made specifically by Harney Tea for Tea Etiquette Consultants of the Protocol School of Washington.
Finally, don't forget we offer another exclusive line of Barb's Tea Shop private label curds: lemon, strawberry champagne and key lime. We can sell individually or in a set. For truly one-of-a-kind gifts, ask about our custom tea-shaped baskets, in all sizes and budgets.
We now carry Elmwood Inn fine teas (loose and bags). How about the delightful "Christmas in a Cup" tea, warm and inviting with a touch of cinnamon to "spice" up your holidays! Nicely packaged in a red label, why not pair up with Serenity Green tea, to add a bit of traditional color to your table! We also have a full-line of beautifully photographed books by Bruce and Shelley Richardson (see "Celebri-Teas blog entry below). The pages are filled with original and tasty recipes from their years of running their successful tea room at the Inn. The Elmwood Inn book series are autographed by the Richardson's. Buy one or all three. What a special gift that would make!
For those who love to travel, consider one of Bruce Richardson's "Great Tea Rooms" books. We have "The Great Tea Rooms of America" and "The Great Tea Rooms of Britain". We also have the "Tea in the City" series which feature London, Paris and New York. The tea-lover on your list will enjoy charting their next tea excursion with these fun guides!
In addition, BTS also offers several British Imports teas and is the exclusive carrier in the local area for "Civiltea" - a delightful black tea made specifically by Harney Tea for Tea Etiquette Consultants of the Protocol School of Washington.
Finally, don't forget we offer another exclusive line of Barb's Tea Shop private label curds: lemon, strawberry champagne and key lime. We can sell individually or in a set. For truly one-of-a-kind gifts, ask about our custom tea-shaped baskets, in all sizes and budgets.